Why Leadership Is Important For a Product Manager?

A recent article on LinkedIn asked, "Why Leadership Is Important for a Product Manager to Be Effective." In this article, we'll explore leadership from the sales and customer management perspective, discussing why leadership is important for a product development team, product engineering teams, marketing teams, technical teams, quality teams, executive teams, and even boardrooms. We'll look at some specific examples from Microsoft, where there's a leadership emphasis in many of their projects, as well as from smaller organizations and businesses where leadership is just becoming more important.

When a group of people work together in a functional capacity, they are much more likely to achieve results. That is because everyone has a responsibility and everyone's skill set is leveraged. But functional teams break down and don't communicate the right information to each other, especially at the upper levels. This causes impediments to teamwork and inter-team competition for scarce resources. It also means that productivity goes down because people have different expectations about what they should be achieving.

The ability to channel leadership in a way that supports and guides performance is necessary. The best leadership comes from aligning personal website and professional leadership values. The sales and marketing teams are good places to start. While they are very aware of the technical aspects of the work they do, they often don't have the leadership skills to communicate those values in a way that motivates them to achieve the maximum results, whatever those might be.

Microsoft has a product development group that is led by the product engineering group. The product engineering group is the group responsible for building the technology backbone for the Windows operating system. The product development group develops the applications, tools, documentation, and test infrastructure necessary to support this development.

A similar structure exists for the iPhone team, which is responsible for building the user interface. The design team is responsible for creating the design concepts and working to implement them into the product design. Software testers are primarily testers of the applications and tools. Their job is to find bugs in the applications before the software designers do and to report bugs that they find when the software designers do their certification testing.

Why leadership is important for a product manager to have is that it enables him or her to recognize where the company is headed. Product managers are also the first analysts to sense a trend or gap in the market. If leadership is missing in a team, it can be difficult to spot emerging opportunities because the group may be working on the same problem for many years. Teams with strong leadership are more able to seize opportunities that come by. That's why leadership is important for a product manager to have, regardless of the type of management position he or she is in.

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